Work done in the field of Human Resource Management has
evolved and broadened dramatically in recent years. Basic and
fundamental tasks alike are commonly solved with the use of
software. Yet, the range of HR requirements has increased.
With these new requirements come necessary time burdens. HR
departments are pushed to the limit and often cannot meet the
internal service needs and requests including systematic
project management.
There are many recurring HR processes that can be tackled
internally with simple and inexpensive solutions. Yet, at a
certain point, it becomes no longer feseable for HR to manage
all of their internal initiatives. That is where HR-Meter
comes in.

The advantages of outsourcing various HR processes are obvious:
HR frees up resources and expertise for internal use when
needed. When it comes to time-consuming adminitrative
processes (i.e. payroll, benefits, talent management, etc.),
HR outsourcing offers the most pleasant solution. Given the
quality of new technologies, it is often difficult for
employees outside of HR to tell whether the service is being
provided internally or externally.

HR-Meter offers solutions in the following areas:
Implementation of Strategies
Corporate Communication - Public Relations in HR
Process Improvements - Balanced Score Cards
Performance Measurement, Opinion Polls
Integration of Knowledge, Skills and Innovation
Restructurings, Organization Aids, and more
Tool-Related Project Management such as Recruitment
HR-Managers may not be familiar with how to create optimal
solutions. These solutions require intimate knowledge of
content and form, as well as a sophisticated understanding of
the technology used to deliver the solution. The deliverables
available from many outsourced projects simply cannot be
matched internally.